Monday, February 28, 2011

Journal 2: Join the Flock & Enhance Your Twitter Experience

Ferguson, Hadley, & Miller, Shannon. (2010). Join the flock & enhance your twitter experience. Retrieved from

Journal #2
Join the Flock
In Join the Flock by Hadley Ferguson you dive into the ever so popular social network, Twitter. This site is a networking community where you build virtual relationships through status updates, tagging, blogging, commenting and following. By engaging in social networks such as twitter, students and teachers can post assignments, comment on postings and tag certain people to view specific work and/or anything pertaining to the classroom. Hadley Ferguson begins her article by explaining to her readers her lack of web based knowledge prior to opening her twitter account. She then goes into exemplifying that these social communities are user friendly and hardly require any sort of technological knowledge.
"Enhance Your Twitter Experience," by Shannon McClintock Miller is similar to Join the Flock. The difference between the two is one (join the flock) discusses the features of twitter, while the other (enhance your twitter experience) focuses on how the site benefits educators world wide.
Question #1 What are some ways students can ask questions to particular people, say for a group project? By tagging certain users in a post, those specific people will instantly see what your question or comment may be. Twitter can be useful as it lets you post discussion topics to only a select group of people.
Question # 2 How do you keep from straying outside of the classroom blog, say when inside the classroom and surfing the web is prohibited? That is where the teacher comes in. They can monitor a students actions on the central data base just like they can in a blog.

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